How to Build a Custom Horse Training Program Using an Ease of Handling Course

Are you wondering how to develop an effective training program for your horse to progress in working equitation? Don't worry—it’s easier than you think, and you have on hand a fantastic tool to help you!

In this article, we’ll show you how to use an ease of handling course to design personalized sessions and rapidly improve your partnership.

The ease of handling course: your best ally

An ease of handling course is like a personal coach for your horse. It helps you identify all areas for improvement, whether in:

  • 🛠️ Technical exercises: rein-back, tight turns, transitions, flying changes, etc.

  • 📈 Foundational work: general attitude, gait quality, cadence, balance, impulsion, precision, and control.

The ease of handling course incorporates all the requirements you need to work on in your flatwork.

How to turn an ease of handling course into a training program?

1️⃣ Run through an ease of handling course

The concept is simple: Set up an ease of handling course with:

  • 🏇 Cantering obstacles (slaloms, figure-eight, cloverleaf, pen, jump) and

  • 🎯 Concentration obstacles (side-stepping over poles, rein-back, jug, bridge, gate).

  • Ride through the course according to your level’s requirements. Even if you know you’re not fully ready yet, it doesn’t matter! Just complete the course as best you can—ideally while 🎥 recording yourself.

2️⃣ Analyze your performance

Next, assess both your performance and your horse:

  • What exercises did your horse excel at? Does he turn smoothly in tight curves, maintain a steady rhythm, respond well to aids?

  • Where did he struggle? Does he have more difficulty turning to one side, struggle with downward transitions, rush the rein-back, break gait in the canter-to-walk transition, delay flying changes, spook easily, refuse to stand still at the jug, or fear specific obstacles?

  • 🤔 What sensations did you experience? Did he feel stiff, tense, resistant, agitated, hot, or lacking energy?

3️⃣ Build your custom training program

By answering these questions, you can craft a training plan tailored to your horse’s needs. For example:

  • 🏋️ If he feels stiff and tense, focus on suppleness exercises, targeting specific areas if necessary.

  • If he lacks responsiveness to your aids, revisit basic cues.

  • ⚖️ If he breaks gait in tight turns, work on balance and muscle strengthening.

What does a typical training week look like?

After your initial ease of handling assessment, here’s how you can structure your training sessions:

🏇 Session 1: focus on locomotion

This session focuses solely on your horse’s general attitude, response to aids, and relaxation.

🎯 Goal? A forward-moving horse, engaged, carrying himself, supple, keeping a steady rhythm in all gaits, responding instantly to light and precise aids—both forward and laterally.

🎠 Session 2: focus on dressage technique

Use targeted exercises to address weak points identified in your ease of handling session. Work on tight turns, transitions, or specific exercises like rein-back, canter-to-walk transitions or flying changes.

🎯 Goal? Develop your horse’s abilities and enhance both of your skills.

📚 How? Using Working Equitation Academy’s online programs! It's like a giant tool box 🧰 fully packed with hundreds of exercises to address your specific needs. You can either follow a specific program - like the Foundations, or Stretching and Lateral Work, or Improving the Canter - or use the 🔍 search function to quickly locate relevant videos by keywords.

🏋️‍♂️ Session 3: focus on physical effort

This time, you (well, mostly your horse!) will break a sweat. Focus on exercises that build physical endurance, such as gait variations, lots of canter transitions, two-track movement sequences.

🎯 Goal? Improve your horse’s fitness, strength, and cardio.

🧠 Bonus session: mental training

If you can fit in an extra session, focus on your horse’s mindset:

  • 🌳 Go for an outdoor ride to give him a mental break while improving his ability to handle unfamiliar obstacles.

  • 🎭 Do groundwork with fun exercises inspired by Parelli’s 7 Games or Mountain Trail techniques.

  • ☂️ Set up challenges in the arena: tarps, water-filled trays, plastic bottle pits, flags, umbrellas—cross them calmly, in-hand or under saddle.

  • 🏇 Jump a variety of obstacles, like barrels, hay bales, or a pole covered with a tarp—something visually stimulating but safe.

Let your creativity run wild to mentally engage your horse in a fun way!

Train smarter, progress faster!

By working methodically, you’ll see your horse improve quickly! 🚀

With this approach, you have an easy and effective way to highlight areas for improvement, establish a clear training plan, and track your progress—which is essential to staying motivated! Once you’ve identified your challenges, you can pick suitable exercises to design your training sessions.

🚀 Ready to Take Your Horse Training to the Next Level?

With our Online Horse Training Course, you’ll get:
✔️ A step-by-step framework for designing effective training sessions
✔️ Exclusive exercises to improve balance, precision, and responsiveness
✔️ Video tutorials to guide you every step of the way
✔️ Proven strategies used by expert rider and instructor Hervé Maurel

🎯 Start your journey today! Click below to learn more and get started:


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